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Riyadi umniah team advances as Petra team aims for 1st win

Jordan | 2010-01-07 - 02:24 GMT

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 Riyadi’s teams are halfway through at the 16th Mini-Basket in Piazza Tournament where they have joined over 500 players from 24 countries. Playing in Group 4 in Metaponto, Riyadi-Umniah’s “Amman” team has advanced after winning two matches - against Italy’s Olympic basket Potenza 29-6 and Italy’s Lettera 22 Ivrea 25-16. They will next play Italy’s Polisportiva Martina Franca. On the other hand, Riyadi-Aramex’s “Petra” team lost two matches in Group 9 in Matera - against Toronto 63-16 and Petrarca Basket Padova 81-18. They will next play hosts Italy’s Pielle Matera “Bianco”. It is Riyadi’s 10th time at the biggest annual European event, organised by Pielle Matera Club and endorsed by the Italian and European Basketball Federations, for basketball players under the age of 11. The organisers said: “’Mini-Basket in Piazza’ is not just basketball, as children from different nations, races and cultures not only play but also have new life experiences.”

26 June 2008

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