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iPad 2 with 1080p HDTV Apps to Be Launched Soon

2011-03-28 - 05:33 GMT

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Apple has been thinking lately to make the new iPad 2 stand out against rivals and it has realized that launching it with a 1080p HDTV output would be the best way to do it.The experts believe that this idea would definitely be liked by the users of 2nd-generation model but those who are using the original model will have to upgrade their machines.There is no doubt that connecting the tablet to a large-screen HDTV to play an app such as Real Racing 2 HD would be welcomed by its users but it won’t be able to replace the console in that case. According to experts, this idea is perfect for someone who is a casual gamer but there was no point in comparing it with an Xbox 360 or Sony PlayStation 3 as it was quite more expensive.Initially Apple iPad has expanded upon the casual gaming beachhead but now developers are working to deliver titles that combine motion-based play with 1080p HDTV output.Apple standard video mirroring mode can display any iPad 2 game on a big screen and after it comes with the new title, it will be able to provide resolution output without the black letterboxing bands

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