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Ooredoo Shares the Spirit of Ramadan and Eid with Communities Across Oman

نشر 2022-04-28 - 11:31 بتوقيت جرينتش
عمان عمان

  • Ooredoo Shares the Spirit of Ramadan and Eid with Communities Across Oman

Mobilk - Embodying the giving spirt of Ramadan, Ooredoo has travelled the length and breadth of the country to bring joy and happiness during the Holy Month. From introducing great value offers including double data on weekends for 4G Home Internet customers and boosted speeds for Fibre Home Internet subscribers, to introducing generous roaming packages for customers visiting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for Umrah and three months free subscription to the Shahid streaming app, Ooredoo continues to offer great value, high speeds and unmatched coverage.

With ‘Caring’ one of the company’s values, Ooredoo’s Goodwill Journey, now in its 18th year, saw a team of volunteers distribute food items, appliances and gifts in support of women, youth, elderly people, people in hospital and children with disabilities. It also launched a women’s incubator in Jalan Bani bu Hassan which will provide opportunities for 500 women to develop their own small businesses.

The Ooredoo Goodwill Journey came to a close in Al Amerat as volunteers joined children from Al Wafa Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children to celebrate Qaranqasho, with sweets, gifts, games and entertainment.

Ooredoo also supported community activities during Ramadan, including the League of Legends Ramadan Tournament, held online using Ooredoo’s fantastic network, and football tournaments in Muscat, Nizwa and Salalah, as well as a tournament organised by the Tawasul Theatre Group, further reinforcing the community focus Ooredoo has become renowned for.

With the excitement of Eid just around the corner, a special SnapChat filter has also been launched. 


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عمان أوريدو عمان

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مزودي الخدمة

تواصل Ooredoo تزويد عملائها في مختلف أنحاء سلطنة عُمان بسرعات عالية ضمن شبكتها للجيل الخامس 5G لتضمن لهم

مزودي الخدمة

تتعاون Ooredoo عُمان مع شركة إريكسون بهدف تزويد عملاء رائدة قطاع الاتصالات في عُمان بأنظمة إريكسون المتطورة

مزودي الخدمة

أكملت Ooredoo مؤخراً الأسبوع الثاني من قافلتها الخيرية الـ 20 التي تجوب مختلف أنحاء سلطنة عُمان بهدف إيجاد تأثير


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    أخبار أوريدو عمان

في إطار سعيها لتطوير سٌبل تعلُم ونقل المعارف والخبرات للطلبة والطالبات، تعاونت Ooredoo مع زد تي إي كوربوريشن، الشركة الرائدة عالمياً في توفير حلول تقنيات المعلومات

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